Pitching Angels 13: Exit Strategy — The Climax of the Pitch

DC Palter
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2021


How Does the Investor Make a Return?

How Does an Investor Made a Return on Investing in Your Startup?

Let’s say I’m a real estate developer and I’m offering you a deal: if you pay me $2 million, I’ll buy a plot of land, build a big house, sell it for $3 million, and split the $1 million profit with you. Sounds like a great opportunity, don’t you think? But you’d have a lot of questions to evaluate the…



DC Palter
The Startup

Entrepreneur, angel investor, startup mentor, sake snob. Author of the Silicon Valley mystery To Kill a Unicorn: https://amzn.to/3sD2SGH